Many companies are facing issues such as an increase in internal helpdesk workloads, and a decrease in customer satisfaction with external helpdesks. This is especially true for companies that use Outlook and other general mailers for their help desks. Automation is necessary to streamline helpdesk operations and improve customer satisfaction.
In this article, we will discuss the benefits of introducing automation to help desks and the features of useful tools, and we will also discuss AI-based automation.
Communication Business Avenue, Inc. has been helping some of the world’s largest companies to integrate call center systems and digital communication tools for the past 16 years.
Therefore, the inquiries are diverse, and it is difficult to search for materials to reply to them. They have to search for past inquiries, internal documents, CRM, etc. using a variety of keywords. According to one study, back-office staff wastes up to 38% of their time searching for answers.
Help desks in small and medium-sized companies often use mailers such as Outlook to receive inquiries. However, Outlook cannot efficiently handle help desk tasks for the following reasons:
Yelk Bezier, Managing Director of Accenture and an expert in AI, says, “Routine tasks will most certainly be automated,” and he predicts that by 2025, 80% of management and back-office matters will be handled almost automatically.
With chatbots that have AI functions, the AI understands the context of the inquiry and automatically replies. If the AI is unable to answer, it will automatically route the inquiry to the appropriate person. As a result, response time can be reduced.
Main workflow ▶︎ Major business operations such as IT, finance, etc.
Auxiliary workflow ▶︎ Support services
Employee workflow ▶︎ HR
Customer workflows ▶︎ Sales, marketing, customer service
Feedback from customers is essential to improve the level of work of an external help desk. A help desk tool with the ability to conduct surveys is useful. Surveys that use pictograms have a high response rate. If you analyze the survey results, you can find points to improve the customer journey.
There are many help desk tools that can be automated. The key to choosing a help desk tool that will not fail is who decides the rules for automation.
Conventional automated help desk tools require a “human” to set the rules for automation. Automation was done using a rule-based workflow that said, “If A, then A; otherwise, B.” Modern help desk tools are more machine-driven.
Contact Communication Business Avenue, Inc. if you need help improving your help desk operations or if you would like to discuss your product selection.
CBA (Communication Business Avenue, Inc) is a software developer and worldwide systems integrator, innovating communication solutions since 2006. For more than 15 years, CBA has been providing Omnichannel Communication Solutions to help brands deliver excellent customer satisfaction.
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